Monday, October 12, 2009

Todays Thoughts

On the opening night of the Euro Gathering in Amsterdam, Pete Greig shared his thoughts with us. This talk was very challenging for me and set the tone for the remainder of the week in Amsterdam. Pete spoke of the signs that appear when you are not seeking God the way you should. He spoke of distractions which lead to not spending time with God and not studying the things of God. I know that for me to be grounded in God and the things of His kingdom I must immerse myself in reading the bible everyday. So my goal for today is to not only avoid distractions but to not seek the distractions out in the first place. uummm errrr uummm what was I saying? Oh yeah distractions. This is going to be harder than I thought.

Sunday, October 11, 2009


I love Sundays so much. It is the day I have set aside as a Sabbath day for rest. My Sundays are filled with as little as possible. Katie and I bum around the house and watch 24 or catch up on web surfing. Rest is so important. God understood this so much. He rested after creation. Rest was so important to God that he sent the Israelites into captivity because they refused to rest themselves and the land like he told them to. Rest is good! Sundays are amazing! Hope you have found time to just rest this week.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

New Blog

I have decided to start blogging again. I shut down my eiki the saint blog due to not wanting to pay the monthly fee any longer. I will do my best to be witty and engaging. We will see how that works.